IERS Message No. 93 August 29, 2006
Fall AGU Earth Rotation Session
Dear Colleague,
Daniel Gambis, David Salstein, and I are convening a special session at
the Fall AGU 2006 meeting on Earth Rotation/Polar Motion at Rapid
Timescales. If you (or a colleague that you know) were planning on
attending the Fall AGU and would like to inform your fellow colleagues
on your research in this exciting field of study, please consider
submitting an abstract to special session G13: Earth Rotation/Polar
Motion at Rapid Timescales. You should submit your abstract through the
by the deadline, 7 September 2006 2359 UT (that is UT not EDT).
I look forward to seeing you in San Francisco, this December.
Thomas Johnson
G13: Earth Rotation/Polar Motion at Rapid Timescales
There have been efforts recently to concentrate attention on Earth
rotation signals at high time resolution. Given current abilities in
space-geodesy, observations of Earth rotation/polar motion are being
made on daily and higher temporal resolution, especially as the subject
of special campaigns. With current capabilities, interesting features
can be detected in the Earth orientation and pole path from these
observations with finer resolution than were possible earlier. The
mechanisms that are causing such fluctuations may be a response to
forcing by the geophysical fluids, and so information about the
excitation of Earth orientation, by the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere,
and hydrosphere, at these timescales is also sought here. Relevant
geophysical observations may be both in-situ and remotely sensed, and
often combined through sophisticated models and data assimilation
schemes. We wish to focus here on Earth orientation and its excitation
on timescales up to a year. In addition, the ability to forecast the
various signals in Earth rotation/polar motion at these timescales is of
current interest, and such information is welcome in this session.
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