IERS Message No. 243 January 03, 2014
GGOS Session at EGU GA 2014
Dear Colleagues -
As part of the EGU General Assembly that will be held in Vienna, Austria
during 27 April - 02 May 2014 there will be a session on "The Global
Geodetic Observing System: Past, Present, and Future". The description
of the session is given below.
On behalf of the conveners I would like to draw your attention to this
session and encourage you to participate in it. We are developing a rich
session that will explore the integration of legacy and next generation
geodetic stations into a global geodetic observing system, and that will
include presentations on the analysis of data and products from this
system. We hope that you will be able to join us in Vienna for this
exciting session. More information about the EGU General Assembly 2014
can be obtained from its web site at .
Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts is
16 January 2014.
Hope to see you in Vienna!
Best regards,
G2.1: The Global Geodetic Observing System: Past, Present, and Future
The IAG's Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) provides the
fundamental ground- and space-based geodetic observations needed to
improve our understanding of the Earth's variable shape, rotation, and
gravity. Modernizing existing ground-based systems and developing future
space-based systems will enable greater understanding of the causes and
consequences of these variations. Simulations are needed to help plan
the development and deployment of the future systems and to help study
the impact of the systems on geodetic data and products including the
terrestrial reference frame. This session is a forum for discussing
past, present, and future geodetic observing systems, the use of
simulations in developing and deploying the systems, and the use of the
systems for improving our understanding of the dynamic Earth.
Richard Gross
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
richard.gross [at] jpl.nasa.gov
Dirk Behrend
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
dirk.behrend-1 [at] nasa.gov
Erricos Pavlis
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
epavlis [at] umbc.edu
Daniela Thaller
Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie
Daniela.Thaller [at] bkg.bund.de
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